I have been a lover of clothing and crafts from a young age. As I got older I finally found a way to channel these interests into a career. Since beginning my career I have had a hand in all sorts of projects, from painting and face casting to sewing and ceramics. As I learn more on my artistic journey, I hope to bring my own flair for the dramatic to the world.
The clothing we wear expresses who we are, who we want to be, and what we want to do. As a costume designer, I examine a character and find out what that character wants to say to the world. I get to help an actor find the voice of and understand their character. It is a gift to be able to collaborate with a team to create multifaceted, well-thought out, entertaining theatre. Hard work and creativity has to go into anything worth existing and putting that effort in is how I best express myself. Shaping something from nothing and then getting to see that process on stage is the closest thing to magic I can participate in.
This is a skirt I made for myself for a local renaissance faire!